English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is responsible for advising the principal and staff on programs and services for English learners and the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The ELAC assists the school in the development of the school's needs assessment and ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance. ELAC members are provided training and materials to assist in carrying out advisory responsibilities.
The ELAC is a great way for parents of English learners to become involved in their child’s education. Meetings include additional informative topics and speakers. Parents can attend the school ELAC at any time. For more information on the ELAC at TeWinkle Middle School, please review this web page or contact our school office.
El Comité Asesor de Estudiantes de Inglés (ELAC) es responsable de asesorar al director y al personal sobre programas y servicios para estudiantes de inglés y al Consejo Escolar sobre el desarrollo del Plan Único para el Rendimiento Estudiantil (SPSA). El ELAC ayuda a la escuela en el desarrollo de la evaluación de las necesidades de la escuela y formas de concienciar a los padres sobre la importancia de la asistencia regular a la escuela. Los miembros de ELAC reciben capacitación y materiales para ayudarlos a desempeñar sus responsabilidades de asesoramiento.
El ELAC es una excelente manera para que los padres de estudiantes de inglés se involucren en la educación de sus hijos. Las reuniones incluyen temas informativos adicionales y oradores. Los padres pueden asistir a la escuela ELAC en cualquier momento. Para obtener más información sobre el ELAC en la escuela secundaria TeWinkle, revise esta página web o comuníquese con la oficina de nuestra escuela.
2024-2025 ELAC Meetings
2023-2024 ELAC Meetings
Parent Education Series
Newport-Mesa Unified School District is hosting parent education meetings surrounding various topics to support parents and students. Spanish interpretation will be available at each session. Please note that topics may change and will be updated on this webpage. Please see below for upcoming parent education sessions and for resources to previous presentations.
District English Learner Advisory Committee
DELAC is an advisory committee comprised of representatives from each school’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The role of the DELAC is to advise the Newport-Mesa Unified School District on programs and services for English learners.
As an advisory group, DELAC member duties include:
- Development of a district master plan for education programs and services for English learners.
- Conducting of a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
- Establishment of district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners.
- Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and/or teacher aide requirements.
- Review and comment on the school district reclassification procedures.
- Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.
- Review and comment on the development or annual update of the Local Control and Accountability Plan.
Each school's ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one of its members to be a site representative DELAC member. Only DELAC elected representatives may vote on voting items and elect officers. DELAC members will receive appropriate training and materials to assist in carrying out required advisory responsibilities.
Please check the district DELAC page for meetings and additional details.